Shortcutting with fish shell

For some time now I have been using fish shell1 as my default shell and it has been a great experience. It has sane defaults and with almost no work I have a perfectly function shell with a great auto completion engine. I have also tried zsh before and although it is great shell it require some work to come to same level of fish, even after you include oh-my-zsh2 (which I’d highly recommend to use if you are starting with zsh). One thing to keep in mind is that fish is far from sh or bash compatible, so if you have something built in sh or bash it won’t work with fish (as you can’t source it). Anyhow, what I want to show here is how much you can optimize your workflow with just a couple lines of shell.

The use case

As an assiduous user of terminal I constantly need to jump from folder to folder between projects I’m working on whether to run an editor or to use git.

Normally I’d just type cd ~/Git/gabrielgio and from there to another folder, but we can do better with fish (or any other shell actually) by assigning this action to a keystroke. However before we can add the shortcut itself lets first create a function to jump into the folder, to do so we will be using the fzf where the man page states:

a command-line fuzzy finder

That will provide a nice way to search and pick from arbitrary list. You can get quick glance of how it work just type find . | fzf and it will open the fuzzy finder buffer interactively search for input keyword. To expose this functions of ours we are going to use a nice feature from fish which autoloads function3 from all the .fish files from all folders listed in $fish_function_path. So we will be using the ~/.config/fish/functions folder. Add a new file called with the following content:

# ~/.config/fish/functions/
function jumpin

Now lets plug fzf into that function.

# ~/.config/fish/functions/
function jumpin
    set selected (ls ~/Git | fzf)
    pushd ~/Git/$selected

We are going to pip ls result into fzf then set4 result of fzf into a variable. The return value of fzf is the value you have selected. As you can infer from the script I’m listing all my folder from Git folder where I store all my projects which are the folder I, most of the time, want to jump right in. It can be literally anything you may find useful, you may want to try to search using a broader scope by:

find ~/ -type d | fzf

Whatever fits you better, the end goal here is to get start customizing and optimizing your workflow so you can more comfortably move around.

Now, it is almost done we just need the check if the selected has value. The user can cancel the selection (e.g.: by pressing esc) and then the selected variable would be empty. To check that we just need an if:

# ~/.config/fish/functions/
function jumpin
    set selected (ls ~/Git | fzf)
    if [ "$selected" ]
        cd ~/Git/$selected

You will need to reopen your terminal emulator or if you source it so the function become available.

# how to source it
source ~/.config/fish/functions/

Then type jumpin and let fzf do the work.

Now we can jump to a folder even faster by assigning a shortcut to a function and again fish comes to rescue to make our life easier. It provider a bind5 function to bind (duh) sequence of characters to a function. Inside of your ~/.config/fish/ there will be a with a function called fish_user_key_bindings which fish automatically executes. We will use that function (as the name implies) to bind our command to a keystroke. To do so use the bind function:

# ~/.config/fish/
function fish_user_key_bindings
  # ...
  bind \ck 'jumpin'

Once again reopen the terminal or source the configuration file. Now once you press Ctrl+k it will pop the fzf list picker and after you select something you will jump right into the folder. Due to the fuzzy finder algorithm you won’t need to type more then a couple of char making the whole process really fast.

This is just a jump start using script to make your life easier. Shell scripting is a powerful tool for a programmer and it will definitely pay dividends if you spend time to master it.